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Reliance onboarding


Reliance allows you to carry out onboarding and complete all due diligence on your customers using your own tools and then provide us with the necessary information we require and an attestation of verification. We will periodically run assurance checks on your customer due diligence (CDD).

Reliance is for use by regulated firms only. To check if you are eligible, speak to a member of our team.

This guide will show you how to submit information on your customers via Reliance. This is when you create and submit an onboarding application on behalf of your customer, using information about them you have already collected.

From the information you share with us we check that the data we require has been provided, run a PEP and Sanctions check and where applicable an Immigration Act check on your customer.

Reliance onboarding can be used for the following account types:

  • Client money (pooled and dedicated)
  • Safeguarding (pooled and dedicated)
  • Savings

You can also submit applications for LTD companies, sole traders and individuals located in Crown Dependencies (Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man).


  • Only users with the compliance role can create and submit an application.

A subject profile is the company or individual you are submitting an application for.

A related profile is a director or person with significant control (PSC) of a company you are submitting the application for. An individual or sole trader won’t have any related profiles.

Create an application

In your application, you’ll need to provide the right workflow for the type of customer you wish to onboard. You will also need to include claims (i.e. information) about your customer. We currently support onboarding limited companies, individuals and sole traders.

1. Choose your workflow

Depending on the type of application, you will need to include one of three reliance workflows. The workflow URLs will be unique to your organisation. Query organization-workflows-url, as shown below to get the workflow URL. See our API reference for more information.


Available reliance workflows:

  • Reliance LTD Company
  • Reliance Sole Trader
  • Reliance Individual

The next steps will be different depending on what workflow you choose.

2. Capture customer information (company)

To onboard a limited company via Reliance, you will need to provide the following information about the company and its directors and any other people with significant control (PSCs). PSCs are sometimes called beneficial owners.

3. Submit an application

To submit an application make a request to:


You will need to provide the following claims for the subject profile that is the company you are submitting an application for.

  • uk-company-register
  • trading-address
  • reliance-verification

You will need to provide the following claims for each related profile. Related profile is a director or PSC of the company.

  • individual-identity
  • individual-residence
  • reliance-verification

An example submission for a company:

"workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
"subject-profile": {
"display-name": "Money Technology Ltd",
"claims": [
"claim-type": "uk-company-register",
"entity-name": "Money Technology Ltd",
"corporation-type": "private-limited-company",
"entity-registration-number": "91824539",
"date-of-incorporation": "2017-06-01",
"building-number": "184",
"city": "London",
"street-name": "Argyle Street",
"postal-code": "EC2V 9AN",
"country-code": "GB"
"claim-type": "trading-address",
"trading-address": {
"building-name": "Tower A",
"building-number": "12",
"street-name": "High Street",
"city": "London",
"postal-code": "TE1 2ST",
"country-code": "GB"
"claim-type": "reliance-verification",
"reliance-verification-methods": ["manual-biometric"],
"reliance-verification-standard": "jmlsg"
"related-profiles": [
"display-name": "JOHNSON, Talia",
"subject-association": {
"director": {}
"claims": [
"claim-type": "individual-identity",
"date-of-birth": "1973-06-11",
"given-name": "Talia",
"surname": "Johnson"
"claim-type": "individual-residence",
"building-number": "12",
"street-name": "Example Street",
"city": "Test Town",
"postal-code": "TE1 2ST",
"country-code": "GB"
"claim-type": "reliance-verification",
"reliance-verification-methods": ["manual-biometric"],
"reliance-verification-standard": "jmlsg"
"display-name": "KLEIN, Monica",
"subject-association": {
"psc": {}
"claims": [
"claim-type": "individual-identity",
"date-of-birth": "1982-02-02",
"given-name": "Monica",
"surname": "Klein"
"claim-type": "individual-residence",
"building-number": "12",
"street-name": "Example Street",
"city": "Test Town",
"postal-code": "TE1 2ST",
"country-code": "GB"
"claim-type": "reliance-verification",
"reliance-verification-methods": ["manual-biometric", "manual-document"],
"reliance-verification-standard": "jmlsg"

If a director is also a person of significant control, you should add both roles on the subject-association parameter, as you see in the below example:

"workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
"subject-profile": {...},
"related-profiles": [
"display-name": "JOHNSON, Talia",
"subject-association": {
"director": {},
"psc": {}
"claims": [
"claim-type": "individual-identity",
"date-of-birth": "1973-06-11",
"given-name": "Talia",
"surname": "Johnson"
"claim-type": "individual-residence",
"building-number": "12",
"street-name": "Example Street",
"city": "Test Town",
"postal-code": "TE1 2ST",
"country-code": "GB"
"claim-type": "reliance-verification",
"reliance-verification-methods": ["manual-biometric"],
"reliance-verification-standard": "jmlsg"

A successful response body looks like this:

"onboarding-application-url": "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.b25ib2FyZGluZy1hcHBsaQ",
"onboarding-application-status": "submitted"

Attestation of verification

To confirm your customer’s identity has been verified and how it was verified, you will need to provide an attestation and confirm the method used was to the JMLSG standard. To do this use the claim type reliance-verification. One or more of the following reliance-verification-methods may be submitted.

  • electronic - Verified using electronic sources e.g. Credit Reference Agency checks
  • physical - Verified face-to-face providing documentation in person
  • manual-biometric - Verified supplying government documentation and a selfie that has been cross-referenced and verified by a third party
  • manual-document - Verified by supplying documentation e.g. a passport copy and address document

Monitor the application status and receive a decision

Once an application has been submitted, it will register the subject and related profiles and begin processing. The status will update to processing and the legal-person-url and verification-url will be added to the application.

Once processing is complete the status will update to complete and a decision outcome will be added to the application, with either an accepted or declined result. Once an application is accepted you can use the legal-person-url for the account membership API.

If the verification process fails, the application status will update to errored. You can query the returned verification-url, as shown below, to see more details.


To monitor the application status either poll the onboarding-application-url or register a webhook and listen for the onboarding-application-created and onboarding-application-updated events.


A successful response body looks like this for submitted status:

"onboarding-application-url": "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.b25ib2FyZGluZy1hcHBsaQ",
"created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
"onboarding-application-status": "submitted"

A successful response body looks like this for processing status:

"onboarding-application-url": "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.b25ib2FyZGluZy1hcHBsaQ",
"created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
"onboarding-application-status": "processing",
"legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
"verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA"

A successful response body looks like this for complete status:

"onboarding-application-url": "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.b25ib2FyZGluZy1hcHBsaQ",
"created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
"onboarding-application-status": "complete",
"legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
"verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
"decision": "accepted"

A successful response body looks like this for errored status:

"onboarding-application-url": "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.b25ib2FyZGluZy1hcHBsaQ",
"created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
"onboarding-application-status": "errored",
"legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
"verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA"