The Griffin API
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Griffin API is based on REST. It has resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response verbs and response codes.
Our API deviates from strict RESTful principles if it makes sense to do so, such as when we enforce tighter access controls around certain operations.
For example, when closing a bank account: rather than send a PATCH request to the bank account resource to update it's status to "closed"
, we provide a dedicated account closure resource.
Anyone can create an account with Griffin and try out our API in sandbox mode.
New to Griffin? Check out our getting started guide.
Our list APIs support pagination (e.g. list bank accounts and list payments). By default, a list API returns up to 25 results. If there are more results available, the response payload will include links to the previous/next pages.
Change page size
You can request a different number of results (between 1 and 200, inclusive) by using the page[size]
query parameter:
GET /v0/organizations/:id/bank/accounts?page[size]=100
Navigating between pages
List responses will include a links
object with prev
and next
attributes, as shown below.
Perform a GET request to the value of the attribute to fetch the previous/next page of results.
"accounts": [
// ...
"links": {
"prev": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/bank/accounts?page[before]=djE6WxSPxfYUTnCU9XtWzj9gGA",
"next": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/bank/accounts?page[after]=djE6aw79PXZySUOL16LD8HRJ3A"
If there is no previous or next page available, the value of the attribute will be null.
Any other query parameters included in the initial request will also be included in the response payload's links. If you want to change parameters (see filtering and sorting), request the first page and follow the links from there.
Sort results
By default, resources will be listed in descending order, usually based on the created-at
You can change the sorting behaviour of a list of results by using the sort
query parameter.
For example, to list bank accounts in ascending order (oldest first):
GET /v0/organizations/:id/bank/accounts?sort=created-at
To explicitly sort in descending order (newest first), prefix the sort attribute with -
GET /v0/organizations/:id/bank/accounts?sort=-created-at
Filter results
Some list APIs allow you to filter the results.
Filters are expressed as nested data structures encoded into query parameters.
For example, you can list bank accounts that are in either the opening
or open
state with:
GET /v0/organizations/:id/bank/accounts?filter[account-status][in][]=opening&filter[account-status][in][]=open
Similarly, you can list legal persons with a specific application-status
GET /v0/organizations/:id/legal-persons?filter[application-status][eq]=accepted
Include resources
Some list APIs allow you to include associated resources in the response, reducing the number of requests needed to fetch related data.
For instance, when listing bank accounts, you can include each bank account's beneficiary legal person by using the include
query parameter:
GET /v0/organizations/:id/bank/accounts?include=beneficiary
The response returns the usual list of bank accounts, but it will also have an included
object with a legal-persons
"accounts": [
// ...
"links": {
// ...
"included": {
"legal-persons": [
// ...
Check the documentation for each list API to see all options for sorting and filtering
Each organization is allowed up to 50 concurrent (in-flight) API requests. Exceeding this threshold results in a 429 - Too Many Requests response. Upon receiving a 429 response, you should implement a backoff strategy, pausing to allow your outstanding requests to complete before attempting new requests. To manage your request rate effectively and avoid surpassing this limit, consider using a controlled approach such as a finite pool of threads or workers.
The Submit Payment API imposes an additional limit: there may be at most 3 concurrent requests to submit a payment from a single bank account. For more details, see the Submit Payment API documentation.
The Griffin API is versioned via a prefix in the URL. The current version is v0. An example endpoint is:
We will not break your integration with a particular version for as long as we support that version. If we release a new version, you will have 12 months to upgrade to it.
The api-key-secret
field is only shown once when you create an API key.
We cannot recover the value, so you should store it securely.
Pass an Authorization
header with GriffinAPIKey api-key-secret
to authenticate.
Each API key is only valid for one organization. If you are a member of multiple organizations, you will need to create a new API key for each one. There is currently no limit on the number of API keys you can create.
Get API key
Returns the API key without api-key-secret
path Parameters
api-key-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "api-key-url": "/v0/api-keys/ak.ICAgICAgYXBpLWtleS1pZA",
- "api-key-name": "buildserver",
- "api-key-live?": true,
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
List API keys
List all active API keys in your organization.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "api-keys": [
- {
- "api-key-url": "/v0/api-keys/ak.ICAgICAgYXBpLWtleS1pZA",
- "api-key-name": "buildserver",
- "api-key-live?": true,
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
Create API Key
Create a new API key. This is the only time api-key-secret
is shown.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
api-key-name required | string (api-key-name) non-empty The name of the API Key. Cannot contain whitespace. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "api-key-name": "string"
Response samples
- 201
{- "api-key-url": "/v0/api-keys/ak.ICAgICAgYXBpLWtleS1pZA",
- "api-key-name": "buildserver",
- "api-key-live?": true,
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "api-key-secret": "g-test-buildserver-RrUZ5fUG4pSKwYVVG1C3Ft1xrMRxy1T7KUIyTva5bTk"
List API keys
List all your active API keys.
path Parameters
user-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "api-keys": [
- {
- "api-key-url": "/v0/api-keys/ak.ICAgICAgYXBpLWtleS1pZA",
- "api-key-name": "buildserver",
- "api-key-live?": true,
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
Get an event
The event-type may be one of:
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "account-status-created",
"event-payload" : {
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.JZjyiHUbXEOqy6YWyaR_Jw",
"account-status" : "open"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T13:30:00.000Z"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T17:55:00.000Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "account-status-updated",
"event-payload" : {
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.JZjyiHUbXEOqy6YWyaR_Jw",
"account-status" : "closed"
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "admission-created",
"event-payload" : {
"admission-status" : "processing",
"admission-scheme-information" : {
"payment-scheme" : "fps",
"end-to-end-identification" : "FQ36X73Jb44ZyQE331GYuxLuWM8N85"
"payment-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ",
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T13:20:00.123Z",
"admission-url" : "/v0/admissions/pa.oRFnmBymXIKoknlbwroj8g",
"unique-scheme-identifier" : "AB123456789123456N1020220426826159900 ",
"original-unique-scheme-identifier" : "ZZ123456789123456N1020220426826159900 ",
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T13:30:00.000Z"
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "admission-updated",
"event-payload" : {
"admission-status" : "delivered",
"admission-scheme-information" : {
"payment-scheme" : "fps",
"end-to-end-identification" : "FQ36X73Jb44ZyQE331GYuxLuWM8N85"
"payment-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ",
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T18:40:00.014Z",
"admission-url" : "/v0/admissions/pa.oRFnmBymXIKoknlbwroj8g",
"unique-scheme-identifier" : "AB123456789123456N1020220426826159900 ",
"original-unique-scheme-identifier" : "ZZ123456789123456N1020220426826159900 ",
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T18:45:00.000Z"
"created-at" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "decision-created",
"event-payload" : {
"legal-person-url" : "/v0/legal-persons/lp.7oKVYzj1V-2Y4gXEvdowYA",
"verification-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA",
"decision-outcome" : "accepted",
"decision-maker" : "system",
"decision-notes" : "auto-accepted",
"created-at" : "1900-01-01T00:00:00.130Z"
"created-at" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "onboarding-application-created",
"event-payload" : {
"onboarding-application-url" : "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.frwOX_PxXnG6PDDp7n6jwQ",
"created-at" : "1900-01-01T08:55:12.120Z",
"workflow-url" : "/v0/workflows/wf.ESz-T8PUUfyzYDrxBIUjJg",
"legal-person-url" : "/v0/legal-persons/lp.7oKVYzj1V-2Y4gXEvdowYA",
"verification-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA",
"onboarding-application-status" : "processing"
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "onboarding-application-updated",
"event-payload" : {
"onboarding-application-url" : "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.frwOX_PxXnG6PDDp7n6jwQ",
"created-at" : "2024-02-03T10:00:00.000Z",
"workflow-url" : "/v0/workflows/wf.ESz-T8PUUfyzYDrxBIUjJg",
"legal-person-url" : "/v0/legal-persons/lp.7oKVYzj1V-2Y4gXEvdowYA",
"verification-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA",
"decision-outcome" : "accepted",
"onboarding-application-status" : "complete"
"created-at" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T15:45:00.000Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "payment-created",
"event-payload" : {
"creditor" : {
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.JZjyiHUbXEOqy6YWyaR_Jw",
"creditor-type" : "griffin-bank-account"
"payment-direction" : "inbound-payment",
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T15:00:20.237Z",
"payment-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ",
"payment-reference" : "Dinner",
"payment-amount" : {
"currency" : "GBP",
"value" : "16.00"
"payment-admissions-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ/admissions",
"payment-submissions-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ/submissions",
"debtor" : {
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.JZjyiHUbXEOqy6YWyaR_Jw",
"account-holder" : "ZxB7REHskP2ghVt9Lh23I5",
"account-number" : "92526719",
"account-number-code" : "bban",
"bank-id" : "053515",
"bank-id-code" : "gbdsc"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "submission-created",
"event-payload" : {
"unique-scheme-identifier" : "AB123456789123456N1020220426826159900 ",
"submission-status" : "processing",
"submission-scheme-information" : {
"scheme-status-code-description" : "The payment was accepted by the scheme",
"scheme-status-code" : "0000",
"end-to-end-identification" : "AHFIWSJFSOK",
"payment-scheme" : "fps"
"payment-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ",
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T13:23:01.529Z",
"submission-url" : "/v0/submissions/ps.oRFnmBymXIKoknlbwroj8g",
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "submission-updated",
"event-payload" : {
"unique-scheme-identifier" : "AB123456789123456N1020220426826159900 ",
"submission-status" : "delivered",
"submission-scheme-information" : {
"end-to-end-identification" : "FQ36X73Jb44ZyQE331GYuxLuWM8N85",
"payment-scheme" : "fps"
"payment-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ",
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T10:38:32.973Z",
"submission-url" : "/v0/submissions/ps.oRFnmBymXIKoknlbwroj8g",
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "test-event",
"event-payload" : { },
"created-at" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "transaction-created",
"event-payload" : {
"account-transaction-url" : "/v0/bank/transactions/tr.KXXPmz1DVQS-X_HVLlTfWQ",
"post-datetime" : "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"balance-change-direction" : "debit",
"transaction-origin-type" : "payment",
"payment-url" : "/v0/payments/pm.x2UcETQsU4enORzXPgL9bQ",
"reference" : "Dinner",
"account-url" : "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.JZjyiHUbXEOqy6YWyaR_Jw",
"balance-change" : {
"currency" : "GBP",
"value" : "200.00"
"account-balance" : {
"currency" : "GBP",
"value" : "800.00"
"created-at" : "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"created-at" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "verification-created",
"event-payload" : {
"workflow-url" : "/v0/workflows/wf.ESz-T8PUUfyzYDrxBIUjJg",
"created-at" : "1900-01-01T00:00:01.063Z",
"legal-person-url" : "/v0/legal-persons/lp.7oKVYzj1V-2Y4gXEvdowYA",
"verification-status" : "in-progress",
"verification-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA",
"verification-checks-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA/checks"
"created-at" : "2025-02-13T17:15:17.865Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "verification-resource-created",
"event-payload" : {
"verification-resource-id" : "vr.aVi78djZTiSymFpU-zV60Q",
"idv-check-status" : "errored",
"idv-check-url" : "TEST",
"verification-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.0khMbqbVSomz4YDdG2YEPQ",
"display-name" : "02t1y9jKLQp5CdQ4RsxiEuF7QuNDb177Q1Q9Dp0WSL28gDdia5gW7O8lhA2l9Y8w90B1eV1Q23fly6r20ENNJeR",
"legal-person-url" : "/v0/legal-persons/lp.eopIWRwdVVuk6WsW9GzA2w",
"idv-check-expires-at" : "2154-10-20",
"organization-url" : "/v0/organizations/og.VxGLrVDKSB2e1Ps4TtJKrg",
"verification-resource-type" : "idv-check"
"created-at" : "2025-02-13T17:15:17.865Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "verification-resource-updated",
"event-payload" : {
"verification-resource-id" : "vr.aVi78djZTiSymFpU-zV60Q",
"idv-check-status" : "errored",
"idv-check-url" : "TEST",
"verification-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.0khMbqbVSomz4YDdG2YEPQ",
"display-name" : "02t1y9jKLQp5CdQ4RsxiEuF7QuNDb177Q1Q9Dp0WSL28gDdia5gW7O8lhA2l9Y8w90B1eV1Q23fly6r20ENNJeR",
"legal-person-url" : "/v0/legal-persons/lp.eopIWRwdVVuk6WsW9GzA2w",
"idv-check-expires-at" : "2154-10-20",
"organization-url" : "/v0/organizations/og.VxGLrVDKSB2e1Ps4TtJKrg",
"verification-resource-type" : "idv-check"
"created-at" : "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"event-url" : "/v0/events/ev.d9ImQpReWO2qvCk_wMQjxw",
"event-type" : "verification-updated",
"event-payload" : {
"verification-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA",
"updated-at" : "1900-01-01T00:03:10.221Z",
"legal-person-url" : "/v0/legal-persons/lp.7oKVYzj1V-2Y4gXEvdowYA",
"workflow-url" : "/v0/workflows/wf.ESz-T8PUUfyzYDrxBIUjJg",
"created-at" : "1900-01-01T00:00:00.408Z",
"verification-checks-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA/checks",
"risk-rating" : "low-risk",
"verification-status" : "checks-complete",
"verification-risk-assessments-url" : "/v0/verifications/vn.yY5hFwg3URayMz6iqXQcpA/risk-assessments"
path Parameters
event-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "event-url": "/v0/events/ev.ICAgICAgICBldmVudC1pZA",
- "event-type": "onboarding-application-updated",
- "event-payload": { },
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
List all events for an organization
List all events for an organization
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
filter[event-type][eq] | string Enum: "onboarding-application-updated" "decision-created" "payment-created" "transaction-created" "verification-updated" "admission-updated" "verification-created" "account-status-updated" "onboarding-application-created" "submission-created" "test-event" "admission-created" "verification-resource-updated" "account-status-created" "verification-resource-created" "submission-updated" The type of webhook event. Usually has the form {resource}-{operation}, e.g. payment-updated |
filter[created-at][lte] | string <date-time> Return only events with a created-at less than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][lt] | string <date-time> Return only events with a created-at less than the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gte] | string <date-time> Return only events with a created-at greater than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gt] | string <date-time> Return only events with a created-at greater than the given timestamp. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "events": [
- {
- "event-url": "/v0/events/ev.ICAgICAgICBldmVudC1pZA",
- "event-type": "onboarding-application-updated",
- "event-payload": { },
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
Get all webhooks for the organization
Get all webhooks for the organization
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "organization-webhooks": [
- {
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA",
- "test-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/test",
- "activate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/activate",
- "deactivate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/deactivate",
- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Create a webhook
Create a webhook
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
webhook-destination-url required | string (webhook-destination-url) The callback URL of the webhook |
webhook-description | string (webhook-description) non-empty A description of the webhook |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Response samples
- 201
{- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA",
- "test-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/test",
- "activate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/activate",
- "deactivate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/deactivate",
- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Fetch a webhook
Fetch a webhook
path Parameters
webhook-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA",
- "test-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/test",
- "activate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/activate",
- "deactivate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/deactivate",
- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Update a webhook
Update a webhook
path Parameters
webhook-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
webhook-description | string (webhook-description) non-empty A description of the webhook |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Response samples
- 200
{- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA",
- "test-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/test",
- "activate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/activate",
- "deactivate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/deactivate",
- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Activate a webhook
Activate a webhook
path Parameters
webhook-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA",
- "test-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/test",
- "activate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/activate",
- "deactivate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/deactivate",
- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Deactivate a webhook
Deactivate a webhook
path Parameters
webhook-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA",
- "test-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/test",
- "activate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/activate",
- "deactivate-webhook-url": "/v0/webhooks/wh.ICAgICAgd2ViaG9vay1pZA/actions/deactivate",
- "webhook-description": "Griffin API webhook"
Message Signatures confirm the identity of the sender and integrity of request messages.
Key points:
- Uses Ed25519 algorithm
- Requires registering a public key with Griffin
- Signatures cover specific message components
- Includes
How to create message signatures provides a detailed guide.
HTTP Signature Debug
Yields the status of the http signature validation
header Parameters
header-signature | string Message Signatures: signature header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
header-signature-input | string Message Signatures: signature-input header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "string",
- "busy": true
Yields the status of the http signature validation
Yields the status of the http signature validation
header Parameters
header-signature | string Message Signatures: signature header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
header-signature-input | string Message Signatures: signature-input header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "string",
- "busy": true
Yields the status of the http signature validation
Yields the status of the http signature validation
header Parameters
header-signature | string Message Signatures: signature header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
header-signature-input | string Message Signatures: signature-input header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "string",
- "busy": true
Yields the status of the http signature validation
Yields the status of the http signature validation
header Parameters
header-signature | string Message Signatures: signature header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
header-signature-input | string Message Signatures: signature-input header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "string",
- "busy": true
Yields the status of the http signature validation
Yields the status of the http signature validation
header Parameters
header-signature | string Message Signatures: signature header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
header-signature-input | string Message Signatures: signature-input header containing a signature label with the components used to generate the signature |
Response samples
- 200
{- "message": "string",
- "busy": true
In the Griffin API, your organization and your customers are all represented by legal persons. When you sign up with Griffin, your organization will be automatically assigned a unique legal person ID. When onboarding your customers, you will create legal persons to represent them.
Every legal person has a legal-person-type
with the value: individual
or corporation
An individual
represents an individual human.
A corporation
represents any non-human entity (not just companies). A corporation should have at least one director or person with significant control attached to it, who must also be represented as a distinct individual
legal person.
Get legal person
Yields the legal-person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "latest-decision": {
- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decision-maker": "system",
- "decision-user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "decision-ops-user": "griffin-ops-user",
- "decision-user-username": ""
}, - "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "latest-risk-rating-url": "/v0/risk-ratings/rr.ICByaXNrLXJhdGluZy1pZA",
- "display-name": "Company name",
- "application-status": "referred",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-decisions-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/decisions",
- "status-changed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-claims-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/claims",
- "legal-person-bank-payees-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/bank/payees",
- "legal-person-verifications-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/verifications",
- "legal-name": "string",
- "legal-person-documents-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/documents"
Update legal person
Updates the legal-person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
display-name required | string (display-name) non-empty A human readable label for an entity |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "display-name": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "latest-decision": {
- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decision-maker": "system",
- "decision-user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "decision-ops-user": "griffin-ops-user",
- "decision-user-username": ""
}, - "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "latest-risk-rating-url": "/v0/risk-ratings/rr.ICByaXNrLXJhdGluZy1pZA",
- "display-name": "Company name",
- "application-status": "referred",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-decisions-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/decisions",
- "status-changed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-claims-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/claims",
- "legal-person-bank-payees-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/bank/payees",
- "legal-person-verifications-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/verifications",
- "legal-name": "string",
- "legal-person-documents-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/documents"
List legal persons
Returns a paginated list of all legal persons for the given organization.
By default, results are sorted descending by created-at
(newest first). To sort ascending by created-at
, provide a ?sort=created-at
query parameter.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-status-changed-at" "status-changed-at" "-created-at" "created-at" |
include | Array of strings Items Enum: "latest-risk-rating" "latest-verification" For each legal person returned, include its latest verification (if one exists), and/or its latest risk rating (if one exists) in the response under the |
filter[application-status][eq] | string Enum: "referred" "errored" "declined" "submitted" "accepted" Return only legal persons with the given application-status. |
filter[has][] | Array of strings Items Value: "application-status" Return only legal persons with the given attributes. |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "legal-persons": [
- {
- "latest-decision": {
- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decision-maker": "system",
- "decision-user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "decision-ops-user": "griffin-ops-user",
- "decision-user-username": ""
}, - "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "latest-risk-rating-url": "/v0/risk-ratings/rr.ICByaXNrLXJhdGluZy1pZA",
- "display-name": "Company name",
- "application-status": "referred",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-decisions-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/decisions",
- "status-changed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-claims-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/claims",
- "legal-person-bank-payees-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/bank/payees",
- "legal-person-verifications-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/verifications",
- "legal-name": "string",
- "legal-person-documents-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/documents"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "page": {
- "total": 0,
- "estimated-total": {
- "at-least": 10000
Create legal person
Creates a new Legal Person. A collection of Claims may be provided.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
display-name required | string (display-name) non-empty A human readable label for an entity |
legal-person-type required | string (legal-person-type) Enum: "individual" "corporation" Specifies if the legal person is an |
Array of mobile-number (object) or properties-origins-of-deposits (object) or individual-identity (object) or sole-trader (object) or property-types (object) or (commercial-property-industries (Not applicable (object) or List of industries and lines of business (object))) or (uk-company-register ((IM (both building-name and building-number (object) or only building-name (object) or only building-number (object))) or GB (object) or (GG (both building-name and building-number (object) or only building-name (object) or only building-number (object))) or (JE (both building-name and building-number (object) or only building-name (object) or only building-number (object))))) or individual-income (object) or business-website (object) or initial-deposit (object) or international-payments-countries (object) or company-telephone-number (object) or managed-properties (object) or person-with-significant-control (object) or business-industry (object) or verified-bank-account (object) or company-email-address (object) or tax-residency (object) or uk-financial-services-register (object) or non-tenant-balance (object) or business-description (object) or hmrc-register (object) or vat-registration (object) or hmo-license (object) or business-email-address (object) or client-money-protection-scheme (object) or individual-sources-of-funds (object) or nominal-person-with-significant-control (object) or hmo-verification (object) or commercial-property-ratio (object) or business-address (object) or (employment (self-employed (object) or retired (object) or unemployed (object) or employed (object))) or annual-turnover (object) or purposes-of-account (object) or sic-codes (object) or international-operations-countries (object) or sources-of-funds (object) or business-owner (object) or business-telephone-number (object) or business-start-date (object) or contact-details (object) or reliance-verification (object) or business-name (object) or individual-purposes-of-account (object) or nationality (object) or trading-name (object) or numbers-of-employees (object) or social-media (object) or trading-address (object) or company-website (object) or director (object) or alternative-number (object) or cash-payments (object) or tax-identification-number (object) or (individual-residence ((IM (both building-name and building-number (object) or only building-name (object) or only building-number (object))) or (GB (both building-name and building-number (object) or only building-name (object) or only building-number (object))) or (GG (both building-name and building-number (object) or only building-name (object) or only building-number (object))) or (JE (both building-name and building-number (object) or only building-name (object) or only building-number (object))))) (claim) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "display-name": "string",
- "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "claims": [
- {
- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number"
Response samples
- 201
{- "latest-decision": {
- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decision-maker": "system",
- "decision-user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "decision-ops-user": "griffin-ops-user",
- "decision-user-username": ""
}, - "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "latest-risk-rating-url": "/v0/risk-ratings/rr.ICByaXNrLXJhdGluZy1pZA",
- "display-name": "Company name",
- "application-status": "referred",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-decisions-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/decisions",
- "status-changed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-claims-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/claims",
- "legal-person-bank-payees-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/bank/payees",
- "legal-person-verifications-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/verifications",
- "legal-name": "string",
- "legal-person-documents-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/documents"
Lists history of events for the given legal person
Lists history of events for the given legal person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
query Parameters
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "legal-person-history": [
- {
- "legal-person-history-event-type": "risk-rating-registered",
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "risk-rating": "high-risk",
- "notes": "string",
- "manually-created-by": {
- "manually-created-by-type": "ops-user"
}, - "previous-risk-rating": "high-risk"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "page": {
- "total": 0,
- "estimated-total": {
- "at-least": 10000
A claim is an unverified data point or series of data points attached to a legal person. Claims are verified by running a verification against the legal person.
List claims
Yields a list of all current claims about this Legal Person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
query Parameters
filter[verification-status][eq] | string Enum: "unverified" "verified" The verification-status of a claim changes from |
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "claims": [
- {
- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "claim-url": "/v0/claims/cl.ICAgICAgICBjbGFpbS1pZA"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
Create claim
Creates a new claim about a Legal Person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
mobile-number required | string (mobile-number) (\+[1-9])?\d{1,14} |
claim-type required | string Value: "mobile-number" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number"
Response samples
- 201
{- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "claim-url": "/v0/claims/cl.ICAgICAgICBjbGFpbS1pZA"
A workflow determines which checks will be run against a legal person as part of a verification
List organization workflows
Lists workflows for use when creating a verification.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "workflows": [
- {
- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "display-name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "required-claim-types": {
- "property1": [
- "mobile-number"
], - "property2": [
- "mobile-number"
}, - "workflow-rules": [
- "allow-zero-directors"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "page": {
- "total": 0,
- "estimated-total": {
- "at-least": 10000
Get workflow
Fetch the workflow.
path Parameters
workflow-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "display-name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "required-claim-types": {
- "property1": [
- "mobile-number"
], - "property2": [
- "mobile-number"
}, - "workflow-rules": [
- "allow-zero-directors"
List verifications for a legal person
List verifications for the given legal person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "verifications": [
- {
- "verification-profiles-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/profiles",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "verification-resources-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/resources",
- "updated-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "verification-checks-url": "string",
- "risk-rating": "high-risk",
- "verification-status": "in-progress",
- "verification-risk-assessments-url": "string"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "page": {
- "total": 0,
- "estimated-total": {
- "at-least": 10000
Perform verification of a legal person
Initiates verification of the subject legal person.
The request body must include a workflow-url
to determine checks to be
performed by the verification. The workflow specified determines which claims
must exist for the subject legal person, as identified in the request URL, and any
associated legal persons (i.e. directors and people with significant control of a
These claims can be found in the required-claim-types
field on a Workflow.
Once a verification is created, the system will perform checks on the claim details.
The status of check processing is indicated by the verification-status
in the response body.
Initially it will be pending
, and will transition through in-progress
to a final status of checks-complete
A verification-status
of failed
indicates something went wrong during check processing.
You can initiate another verification to retry the check processing.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
workflow-url required | string (workflow-url) A link to the workflow. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA"
Response samples
- 201
{- "verification-profiles-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/profiles",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "verification-resources-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/resources",
- "updated-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "verification-checks-url": "string",
- "risk-rating": "high-risk",
- "verification-status": "in-progress",
- "verification-risk-assessments-url": "string"
Get verification
Fetch the verification.
path Parameters
verification-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "verification-profiles-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/profiles",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "verification-resources-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/resources",
- "updated-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "verification-checks-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/checks",
- "risk-rating": "high-risk",
- "verification-status": "in-progress",
- "verification-risk-assessments-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/risk-assessments"
Get verification profiles
GET a verification's profiles. A profile is the collection of claims used in a verification.
path Parameters
verification-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "verification-subject-profile": {
- "display-name": "string",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "current-claims": [
- {
- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number"
}, - "verification-related-party-profiles": [
- {
- "display-name": "string",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "current-claims": [
- {
- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number"
Get verification resources
Yields details of the verification resources for this verification.
path Parameters
verification-id required | string |
query Parameters
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "verification-resources": [
- {
- "verification-resource-type": "idv-check",
- "verification-resource-id": "vr.N7hwn54ASHCQGOdocxfQQQ",
- "idv-check-status": "pending",
- "idv-check-url": "string",
- "idv-check-expires-at": "2019-08-24",
- "display-name": "string",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
List decisions
Lists all decisions for the given legal-person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "decisions": [
- {
- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decision-maker": "system",
- "decision-user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "decision-ops-user": "griffin-ops-user",
- "decision-user-username": ""
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
Create decision
Creates a decision against the legal person.
The provided verification must have a verification-status
of checks-complete
, otherwise a 422 is served.
When a decision is successfully created, the legal person's application-status
is updated accordingly.
Multiple decisions may be made against the same legal person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
verification-url required | string (verification-url) A link to the verification. |
decision-outcome required | string (decision-outcome) Enum: "accepted" "declined" |
decision-notes required | string (decision-notes) Free-text field to explain the reasons behind the decision. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string"
Response samples
- 201
{- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decision-maker": "system",
- "decision-user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "decision-ops-user": "griffin-ops-user",
- "decision-user-username": ""
Lookup company
Lookup Companies House company by company number. Includes information about the company, its directors, and persons with significant control.
path Parameters
company-number required | string UK Companies House company number |
Response samples
- 200
{- "company-address": {
- "building-number": "string",
- "street-name": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postal-code": "NW16XE",
- "country-code": "GB"
}, - "date-of-latest-accounts": "2019-08-24",
- "entity-name": "string",
- "directors": [
- {
], - "date-of-latest-confirmation-statement": "2019-08-24",
- "corporation-type": "private-limited-guarant-nsc-limited-exemption",
- "company-status": "dissolved",
- "accounts-overdue": true,
- "sic-codes": [
- "12345"
], - "persons-with-significant-control": [
- {
- "display-name": "string",
- "natures-of-control": [
- "voting-rights-25-to-50-percent-limited-liability-partnership"
], - "companies-house-url": "",
- "given-name": "string",
- "surname": "string",
- "day-of-birth": 1,
- "month-of-birth": 1,
- "year-of-birth": 1
], - "confirmation-statement-overdue": true,
- "date-of-incorporation": "2019-08-24",
- "entity-registration-number": "string"
Reliance onboarding allows you to create and submit an application on behalf of your customer, using information about them you have already collected. For more information, checkout our onboarding guides.
Get onboarding application
Fetch an onboarding application.
path Parameters
onboarding-application-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "onboarding-application-url": "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.b25ib2FyZGluZy1hcHBsaQ",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "onboarding-application-status": "processing"
Create an onboarding application
Create an onboarding application and submit it for processing.
The request body must include a workflow-url
to determine checks to be performed by the verification.
The workflow specified determines which claims must exist for the subject profile, and any related profile (i.e. directors and people with significant control of a corporation).
At the moment we only support 3 reliance workflows: Reliance LTD Company, Reliance Individual and Reliance Sole Trader.
You need to provide different claims depending on the type of customer you wish to onboard via reliance.
LTD Company | Individual | Sole trader |
Subject profile:uk-company-register trading-address reliance-verification Related profiles: individual-identity individual-residence reliance-verification |
Subject profile:individual-identity individual-residence reliance-verification |
Subject profile:business-name individual-identity individual-residence reliance-verification |
For more information, check out our onboarding guides.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
workflow-url required | string (workflow-url) A link to the workflow. |
required | object (subject-profile) The subject profile to be onboarded. Directors and PSCs
must be declared via |
Array of objects (related-profiles) A list profiles related to the subject (e.g. directors, person with significant control). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "subject-profile": {
- "display-name": "string",
- "claims": [
- {
- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number"
}, - "related-profiles": [
- {
- "display-name": "string",
- "subject-association": {
- "director": {
}, - "psc": {
- "ownership-percent": "12.34",
}, - "senior-manager": { }
}, - "claims": [
- {
- "mobile-number": "+442012345678",
- "claim-type": "mobile-number"
Response samples
- 201
{- "onboarding-application-url": "/v0/onboarding/applications/oa.b25ib2FyZGluZy1hcHBsaQ",
- "onboarding-application-status": "processing"
Bank accounts are used for managing funds. You can open different types of bank account using the "bank-product-type"
field. Some account types are for managing your own funds and some are for managing your customers' funds. For information, check out our guides for opening bank accounts:
Get bank account
Fetch a bank account
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "account-submissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/submissions",
- "account-restricted": true,
- "account-payments-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/payments",
- "pooled-account-memberships-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership",
- "account-admissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/admissions",
- "bank-product-type": "savings-account",
- "display-name": "Reserve a/c",
- "controller-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "pooled-funds": true,
- "account-status": "closing",
- "client-money-type": "designated-client-fund",
- "owner-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "closed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "opened-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "close-account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/actions/close",
- "available-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "pooled-account-membership-updates-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership-updates",
- "bank-addresses": [
- {
- "account-holder": "string",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban"
], - "account-transactions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/transactions",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "beneficiary-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "primary-account": false,
- "account-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "savings-type": "easy-access"
Update a bank account
Update a bank account
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
display-name required | string (display-name) non-empty A human readable label for an entity |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "display-name": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "account-submissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/submissions",
- "account-restricted": true,
- "account-payments-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/payments",
- "pooled-account-memberships-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership",
- "account-admissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/admissions",
- "bank-product-type": "savings-account",
- "display-name": "Reserve a/c",
- "controller-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "pooled-funds": true,
- "account-status": "closing",
- "client-money-type": "designated-client-fund",
- "owner-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "closed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "opened-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "close-account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/actions/close",
- "available-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "pooled-account-membership-updates-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership-updates",
- "bank-addresses": [
- {
- "account-holder": "string",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban"
], - "account-transactions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/transactions",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "beneficiary-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "primary-account": false,
- "account-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "savings-type": "easy-access"
Close a bank account
Close a bank account
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "account-submissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/submissions",
- "account-restricted": true,
- "account-payments-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/payments",
- "pooled-account-memberships-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership",
- "account-admissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/admissions",
- "bank-product-type": "savings-account",
- "display-name": "Reserve a/c",
- "controller-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "pooled-funds": true,
- "account-status": "closing",
- "client-money-type": "designated-client-fund",
- "owner-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "closed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "opened-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "close-account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/actions/close",
- "available-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "pooled-account-membership-updates-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership-updates",
- "bank-addresses": [
- {
- "account-holder": "string",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban"
], - "account-transactions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/transactions",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "beneficiary-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "primary-account": false,
- "account-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "savings-type": "easy-access"
List bank accounts
Yields a list of all bank accounts under the control of this Organization.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
query Parameters
filter[beneficiary-url][eq] | string Link to the legal person that represents the beneficiary of the account. |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
include | Array of strings Items Enum: "beneficiary" "owner" For each bank account returned, include its owner and/or beneficiary in the response under the |
filter[account-status][in][] | Array of strings Items Enum: "closing" "open" "closed" "opening" |
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "display-name" "created-at" "-display-name" |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
filter[account-restricted][in][] | boolean Specifies whether the bank account has restrictions applied by Griffin. |
filter[pooled-funds][eq] | boolean Specifies whether the bank account holds funds belonging to multiple beneficiaries. |
filter[bank-product-type][in][] | Array of strings Items Enum: "savings-account" "client-money-account" "safeguarding-account" "operational-account" |
filter[owner-url][eq] | string Link to the legal person that represents the owner of the account. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "account-submissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/submissions",
- "account-restricted": true,
- "account-payments-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/payments",
- "pooled-account-memberships-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership",
- "account-admissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/admissions",
- "bank-product-type": "savings-account",
- "display-name": "Reserve a/c",
- "controller-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "pooled-funds": true,
- "account-status": "closing",
- "client-money-type": "designated-client-fund",
- "owner-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "closed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "opened-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "close-account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/actions/close",
- "available-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "pooled-account-membership-updates-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership-updates",
- "bank-addresses": [
- {
- "account-holder": "string",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban"
], - "account-transactions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/transactions",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "beneficiary-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "primary-account": false,
- "account-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "savings-type": "easy-access"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "included": null
Open bank account
Open a new bank account
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
required | owner-url (string) or owner-url (string) (owner-url) Link to the legal person that represents the owner of the account. |
display-name | string (display-name) non-empty A human readable label for an entity |
savings-type required | string Value: "easy-access" |
bank-product-type required | string Value: "savings-account" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "bank-product-type": "savings-account",
- "owner-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "display-name": "string",
- "savings-type": "easy-access"
Response samples
- 201
{- "account-submissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/submissions",
- "account-restricted": true,
- "account-payments-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/payments",
- "pooled-account-memberships-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership",
- "account-admissions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/admissions",
- "bank-product-type": "savings-account",
- "display-name": "Reserve a/c",
- "controller-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "pooled-funds": true,
- "account-status": "closing",
- "client-money-type": "designated-client-fund",
- "owner-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "closed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "opened-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "close-account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/actions/close",
- "available-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "pooled-account-membership-updates-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership-updates",
- "bank-addresses": [
- {
- "account-holder": "string",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban"
], - "account-transactions-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/transactions",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "beneficiary-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "primary-account": false,
- "account-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "savings-type": "easy-access"
List legal person in a pooled account membership
List legal persons in a pooled account membership
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
query Parameters
include | Array of strings Items Enum: "latest-risk-rating" "legal-person" "latest-verification" For each member returned, include its legal person details, latest verification (if one exists), and/or latest risk rating (if one exists) in the response under the |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "pool-members": [
- {
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "page": {
- "total": 0,
- "estimated-total": {
- "at-least": 10000
}, - "included": {
- "verifications": [
- {
- "verification-profiles-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/profiles",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "verification-resources-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/resources",
- "updated-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "workflow-url": "/v0/workflows/wf.ICAgICB3b3JrZmxvdy1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "verification-checks-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/checks",
- "risk-rating": "high-risk",
- "verification-status": "in-progress",
- "verification-risk-assessments-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA/risk-assessments"
], - "risk-rating-entries": [
- {
- "risk-rating-url": "/v0/risk-ratings/rr.ICByaXNrLXJhdGluZy1pZA",
- "risk-rating": "high-risk",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "notes": "string",
- "manually-created-by": {
- "manually-created-by-type": "ops-user"
}, - "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "previous-risk-rating": "high-risk"
], - "legal-persons": [
- {
- "latest-decision": {
- "decision-outcome": "accepted",
- "decision-notes": "string",
- "verification-url": "/v0/verifications/vn.IHZlcmlmaWNhdGlvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "decision-maker": "system",
- "decision-user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "decision-ops-user": "griffin-ops-user",
- "decision-user-username": ""
}, - "legal-person-type": "individual",
- "latest-risk-rating-url": "/v0/risk-ratings/rr.ICByaXNrLXJhdGluZy1pZA",
- "display-name": "string",
- "application-status": "referred",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "legal-person-decisions-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/decisions",
- "status-changed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "legal-person-claims-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/claims",
- "legal-person-bank-payees-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/bank/payees",
- "legal-person-verifications-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/verifications",
- "legal-name": "string",
- "legal-person-documents-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA/documents"
Manage pooled account members
Add and update the legal persons in a pooled account membership. Limited to 1000 legal persons per operation.
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
required | Array of legal-person-url (string) or legal-person-url (string) (legal-person-url) |
required | Array of legal-person-url (string) or legal-person-url (string) (legal-person-url) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "additions": [
- "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA"
], - "deletions": [
- "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA"
Response samples
- 200
{- "pooled-account-memberships-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA/membership"
A payment captures the intent to move funds from a bank account to another bank account. Outbound payments can be made from your bank account to a payee. Griffin accepts inbound payments to your bank accounts on your behalf. If it's your first time using our payments API, check out our guide for making a payment
Get payment admission
Yields an admission.
path Parameters
admission-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "admission-status": "processing",
- "admission-scheme-information": {
- "end-to-end-identification": "string",
- "payment-scheme": "fps"
}, - "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "admission-url": "/v0/admissions/pa.ICAgIGFkbWlzc2lvbi1pZA",
- "unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes ",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "original-unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes "
List bank account admissions
Lists admissions targeting a bank account
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
filter[created-at][lte] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at less than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][lt] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at less than the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gte] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at greater than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gt] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at greater than the given timestamp. |
filter[admission-status][in] | Array of strings Items Enum: "processing" "returned" "delivered" |
Response samples
- 200
{- "admissions": [
- {
- "admission-status": "processing",
- "admission-scheme-information": {
- "end-to-end-identification": "string",
- "payment-scheme": "fps"
}, - "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "admission-url": "/v0/admissions/pa.ICAgIGFkbWlzc2lvbi1pZA",
- "unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes ",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "original-unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes "
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
List bank account payments
Lists payments made from a bank account.
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
filter[created-at][lte] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at less than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][lt] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at less than the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gte] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at greater than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gt] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at greater than the given timestamp. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "payments": [
- {
- "creditor": {
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "creditor-type": "payee"
}, - "payment-direction": "inbound-payment",
- "created-by-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "created-via": "api",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "payment-reference": "test reference",
- "payment-amount": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "ultimate-debtor": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
}, - "payment-admissions-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA/admissions",
- "payment-submissions-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA/submissions",
- "debtor": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
Create payment
Registers a new payment request for the bank account
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
required | payee (object) or griffin-bank-account (object) or uk-domestic (object) (creditor) |
required | object (payment-amount) Compound value representing both the currency and amount of money being sent. |
payment-reference | string (payment-reference) [ 1 .. 35 ] characters Default: "Sent from X" Free-text field to help identify and categorise payments. X is the legal person who owns the account. This will be the |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "creditor": {
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "creditor-type": "payee"
}, - "payment-amount": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "payment-reference": "test reference"
Response samples
- 201
{- "creditor": {
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "creditor-type": "payee"
}, - "payment-direction": "inbound-payment",
- "created-by-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "created-via": "api",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "payment-reference": "test reference",
- "payment-amount": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "ultimate-debtor": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
}, - "payment-admissions-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA/admissions",
- "payment-submissions-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA/submissions",
- "debtor": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
List bank account submissions
Lists submissions originating from a bank account
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
filter[submission-status][in] | Array of strings Items Enum: "scheduled" "failed" "processing" "returned" "delivered" |
filter[created-at][lte] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at less than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][lt] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at less than the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gte] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at greater than or equal to the given timestamp. |
filter[created-at][gt] | string <date-time> Return only resources with a created-at greater than the given timestamp. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "submissions": [
- {
- "submission-status": "scheduled",
- "submission-scheme-information": {
- "end-to-end-identification": "string",
- "scheme-status-code": "string",
- "scheme-status-code-description": "string",
- "payment-scheme": "fps"
}, - "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "submission-url": "/v0/submissions/ps.ICAgc3VibWlzc2lvbi1pZA",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes ",
- "scheduled-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
Get payment
Yields payment details
path Parameters
payment-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "creditor": {
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "creditor-type": "payee"
}, - "payment-direction": "inbound-payment",
- "created-by-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "created-via": "api",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "payment-reference": "test reference",
- "payment-amount": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "ultimate-debtor": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
}, - "payment-admissions-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA/admissions",
- "payment-submissions-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA/submissions",
- "debtor": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-number-code": "bban",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "bank-id-code": "gbdsc",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA"
List payment admissions
Lists admissions for a payment. A payment may have at most one admission.
path Parameters
payment-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "admissions": [
- {
- "admission-status": "processing",
- "admission-scheme-information": {
- "end-to-end-identification": "string",
- "payment-scheme": "fps"
}, - "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "admission-url": "/v0/admissions/pa.ICAgIGFkbWlzc2lvbi1pZA",
- "unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes ",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "original-unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes "
List payment submissions
Lists submissions for a payment. The presence of a submission means that the payment has been submitted.
path Parameters
payment-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "submissions": [
- {
- "submission-status": "scheduled",
- "submission-scheme-information": {
- "end-to-end-identification": "string",
- "scheme-status-code": "string",
- "scheme-status-code-description": "string",
- "payment-scheme": "fps"
}, - "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "submission-url": "/v0/submissions/ps.ICAgc3VibWlzc2lvbi1pZA",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes ",
- "scheduled-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Submit payment
Submits a previously created payment for execution.
Please note: An organization may have up to 3 concurrent API requests for submitting payments from the same bank account. Exceeding this limit will result in additional requests receiving a 429 'Too Many Requests' HTTP status code. If this occurs, wait for other in-flight requests to complete before retrying. This concurrency limit is specific to each bank account; submissions across different bank accounts are not affected.
path Parameters
payment-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
payment-scheme | string (payment-scheme) Value: "fps" Specifies the scheme over which a payment is executed. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "payment-scheme": "fps"
Response samples
- 200
{- "submission-status": "scheduled",
- "submission-scheme-information": {
- "end-to-end-identification": "string",
- "scheme-status-code": "string",
- "scheme-status-code-description": "string",
- "payment-scheme": "fps"
}, - "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "submission-url": "/v0/submissions/ps.ICAgc3VibWlzc2lvbi1pZA",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes ",
- "scheduled-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Get payment submission
Yields a submission.
path Parameters
submission-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "submission-status": "scheduled",
- "submission-scheme-information": {
- "end-to-end-identification": "string",
- "scheme-status-code": "string",
- "scheme-status-code-description": "string",
- "payment-scheme": "fps"
}, - "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "submission-url": "/v0/submissions/ps.ICAgc3VibWlzc2lvbi1pZA",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "unique-scheme-identifier": "PGIT2IS7AJG77D2HK23020240212826NatWes ",
- "scheduled-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
The transaction resource represents any form of activity in a bank account that results in a change to the account’s balance. Transactions can be categorised by their type (balance-change-origin-type
). Here is the enumeration of types of bank transactions:
- payment: Sending funds to, or receiving funds from, another bank account.
- transfer: Sending funds to, or receiving funds from, another Griffin bank account.
- manual-payment: A transfer initiated by Griffin operations.
- interest: Money paid to the account holder based on deposited funds.
- commission: Money paid to the organisation based on their customers' deposited funds.
- fee: Charges applied to the bank account by Griffin.
- deposit: [SANDBOX ONLY] Adding funds to a sandbox bank account when it is created.
List transactions
Lists balance changes on a bank account. Use an Accept: application/vnd.griffin+xero-csv
header to receive balance changes in a CSV format suitable for importing into Xero. This endpoint will only return CSV files with up to 100,000 rows to match the Xero import limit. To ensure that no transactions are missing from the CSV export, specify a time period that contains fewer than 100,000 transactions.
path Parameters
bank-account-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "processed-at" "-processed-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
include | string Value: "payment" For each transaction returned, include its payment (if one exists) in the response under the |
filter[processed-at][lte] | string <date-time> Return only transactions processed at or before the given timestamp. |
filter[processed-at][lt] | string <date-time> Return only transactions processed before the given timestamp. |
filter[processed-at][gte] | string <date-time> Return only transactions processed at or after the given timestamp. |
filter[processed-at][gt] | string <date-time> Return only transactions processed after the given timestamp. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "account-transactions": [
- {
- "account-transaction-url": "/v0/bank/transactions/tr.ICB0cmFuc2FjdGlvbi1pZA",
- "processed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "post-datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "balance-change-direction": "credit",
- "effective-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "transaction-origin-type": "interest",
- "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "reference": "Restaurant Charge - Sushi Palace",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "balance-change": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "account-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "description": "Interest earned in April from Alexa account."
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "included": null
Get transaction
Yields a bank account transaction
path Parameters
transaction-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "account-transaction-url": "/v0/bank/transactions/tr.ICB0cmFuc2FjdGlvbi1pZA",
- "processed-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "post-datetime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "balance-change-direction": "credit",
- "effective-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "transaction-origin-type": "interest",
- "payment-url": "/v0/payments/pm.ICAgICAgcGF5bWVudC1pZA",
- "reference": "Restaurant Charge - Sushi Palace",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "balance-change": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "account-balance": {
- "currency": "GBP",
- "value": "1000.00"
}, - "description": "Interest earned in April from Alexa account."
A payee is the person or business to whom you are paying money. When you create a payee, you need to provide their name ("account-holder"
), and their bank account number ("account-number"
) and sort code ("bank-id"
You may also register the outcome of a Confirmation of Payee (CoP) check with your payee by supplying a cop-request-url
Read more about payees in our guides.
List legal person payees
Lists payees belonging to the legal person.
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
include | Array of strings Items Value: "cop-requests" For each payee returned, include its Confirmation of Payee (CoP) details (if they exist) in the response under the |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "payees": [
- {
- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "payee-status": "deactivated",
- "country-code": "GB"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
}, - "included": null
Create payee
Registers a new payee with a legal person.
You may associate the outcome of a CoP request with the payee by supplying a cop-request-url
path Parameters
legal-person-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
account-holder required | string (account-holder) non-empty The name of the account holder. |
account-number required | string (account-number) = 8 characters ^[0-9]{8}$ Must be a UK account number. |
bank-id required | string (bank-id) = 6 characters ^[0-9]{6}$ Must be a UK Sort Code. |
cop-request-url (string) or cop-request-url (string) (cop-request-url) Link to a CoP request. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "account-holder": "string",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA"
Response samples
- 201
{- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "payee-status": "deactivated",
- "country-code": "GB"
Get payee
Returns the payee details.
path Parameters
payee-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "payee-status": "deactivated",
- "country-code": "GB"
Update payee
Updates an existing payee.
You can update a payee with the outcome of a CoP request by supplying a cop-request-url
A payee can be deactivated by updating the payee-status
of an active payee to deactivated
. Any attempt to create or submit a payment to a deactivated payee will fail.
A 422 is served when attempting to deactivate an already-deactivated payee.
path Parameters
payee-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
cop-request-url (string) or cop-request-url (string) (cop-request-url) Link to a CoP request. | |
payee-status | string (payee-status) Value: "deactivated" The status of the payee; you can only make payments to active payees. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "payee-status": "deactivated"
Response samples
- 200
{- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.ICAgICAgICBwYXllZS1pZA",
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "account-holder": "string",
- "legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "account-url": "/v0/bank/accounts/ba.IGJhbmstYWNjb3VudC1pZA",
- "payee-status": "deactivated",
- "country-code": "GB"
Get a CoP request
Returns the result of a Confirmation of Payee (CoP) request.
path Parameters
cop-request-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "account": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-classification": "personal",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "requester-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "secondary-reference-data": "1234567890"
}, - "cop-response": {
- "status": "verified",
- "result": "match",
- "reason": "no-match-name",
- "suggested-name": "string",
- "suggested-account-classification": "business"
Create a CoP request
Create a Confirmation of Payee (CoP) request.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
account-number required | string (account-number) = 8 characters ^[0-9]{8}$ Must be a UK account number. |
bank-id required | string (bank-id) = 6 characters ^[0-9]{6}$ Must be a UK Sort Code. |
account-classification required | string (account-classification) Enum: "personal" "business" |
name required | any (name) The name of the payee. |
required | requester-legal-person-url (string) or requester-legal-person-url (string) (requester-legal-person-url) A contextual link to the legal person. |
secondary-reference-data | any (secondary-reference-data) Secondary reference data, such as a building society roll number or a credit card number. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "account-number": "12345678",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-classification": "personal",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "requester-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "secondary-reference-data": "1234567890"
Response samples
- 201
{- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "account": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-classification": "personal",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "requester-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "secondary-reference-data": "1234567890"
}, - "cop-response": {
- "status": "verified",
- "result": "match",
- "reason": "no-match-name",
- "suggested-name": "string",
- "suggested-account-classification": "business"
[Alpha] Simulate a CoP request
Simulate the creation of a CoP Request. Note: This is an alpha API and may change anytime.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
cop-simulation-type required | string Enum: "match-name-business-personal" "account-not-found" "full-match" "no-match-name" "no-match-secondary-ref" "close-match-name-business-personal" "close-match-name-personal-business" "account-switched" "close-match-name" "account-not-supported" "match-name-personal-business" The type of simulation to run. |
Request Body schema: application/json
account-number required | string (account-number) = 8 characters ^[0-9]{8}$ Must be a UK account number. |
bank-id required | string (bank-id) = 6 characters ^[0-9]{6}$ Must be a UK Sort Code. |
account-classification required | string (account-classification) Enum: "personal" "business" |
name required | any (name) The name of the payee. |
required | requester-legal-person-url (string) or requester-legal-person-url (string) (requester-legal-person-url) A contextual link to the legal person. |
secondary-reference-data | any (secondary-reference-data) Secondary reference data, such as a building society roll number or a credit card number. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "account-number": "12345678",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-classification": "personal",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "requester-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "secondary-reference-data": "1234567890"
Response samples
- 201
{- "cop-request-url": "/v0/cop-request/cp.ICBjb3AtcmVxdWVzdC1pZA",
- "account": {
- "account-number": "12345678",
- "bank-id": "123456",
- "account-classification": "personal",
- "name": "John Smith",
- "requester-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "secondary-reference-data": "1234567890"
}, - "cop-response": {
- "status": "verified",
- "result": "match",
- "reason": "no-match-name",
- "suggested-name": "string",
- "suggested-account-classification": "business"
The organization resource represents your company and acts as a container for the majority of other resources, including legal persons and bank accounts. When you register for an account with Griffin, a new organization is created alongside your user account (unless you have received an invitation to join an existing organization). Your user account is associated with an organization via a membership.
Your organization can be in one of two modes:
for organizations created when you sign up for the
for when you go live with Griffin.
Learn more about sandbox vs. live mode.
Get organization
Yields the organization details
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "own-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "organization-mode": "test-mode",
- "organization-memberships-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/memberships",
- "organization-invitations-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/invitations",
- "organization-onboarding-applications-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/onboarding/applications",
- "display-name": "Company Org",
- "organization-api-keys-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/api-keys",
- "organization-live-access-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/live-access",
- "organization-webhooks-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/webhooks",
- "organization-workflows-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/workflows",
- "organization-bank-accounts-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/bank/accounts",
- "available-roles": [
- {
- "display-name": "Company Org",
- "description": "string",
- "role-url": "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA",
- "role-category": "string"
], - "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "organization-individuals-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/individuals",
- "organization-corporations-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/corporations",
- "organization-legal-persons-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/legal-persons",
- "organization-events-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/events"
Users represent individuals who use the Griffin platform. A user must have a membership in at least one organization, and may have memberships in multiple organizations.
Get user
Get the User resource for the current user.
path Parameters
user-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "user-email": "",
- "user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "user-username": "",
- "api-keys-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA/api-keys",
- "user-memberships-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA/memberships",
- "given-name": "string",
- "surname": "string"
A role represents a pre-defined set of capabilities that can be assigned to a user via their membership in an organization. By default, the first user in an organization gets assigned an administration role. Subsequent users get assigned the most limited set of capabilities.
List membership roles
Returns the roles assigned to this membership.
path Parameters
membership-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "roles": [
- {
- "display-name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "role-url": "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA",
- "role-category": "string"
Update role
Assigns roles to the membership.
A 422 Unprocessable Entity is served if either:
- one role url provided in the body is not in the Organisations
- the request attempts to remove the last admin role of the organization, thus making the organisation unusable.
path Parameters
membership-id required | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
required | Array of role-url (string) or role-url (string) (role-url) |
Array Any of string (role-url) Link to the role. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "role-urls": [
- "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA"
Response samples
- 200
{- "roles": [
- {
- "display-name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "role-url": "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA",
- "role-category": "string"
Memberships represents the relationship between a user and an organization. A membership must have at least one role assigned to it.
Get membership
Returns the user's membership information.
path Parameters
membership-id required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "membership-url": "/v0/memberships/mp.ICAgbWVtYmVyc2hpcC1pZA",
- "membership-roles-url": "/v0/memberships/mp.ICAgbWVtYmVyc2hpcC1pZA/roles",
- "organization": {
- "own-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "organization-mode": "test-mode",
- "organization-memberships-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/memberships",
- "organization-invitations-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/invitations",
- "organization-onboarding-applications-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/onboarding/applications",
- "display-name": "string",
- "organization-api-keys-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/api-keys",
- "organization-live-access-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/live-access",
- "organization-webhooks-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/webhooks",
- "organization-workflows-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/workflows",
- "organization-bank-accounts-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/bank/accounts",
- "available-roles": [
- {
- "display-name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "role-url": "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA",
- "role-category": "string"
], - "can-decide-on-verifications?": true,
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "organization-individuals-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/individuals",
- "organization-corporations-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/corporations",
- "organization-legal-persons-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/legal-persons",
- "organization-events-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/events"
}, - "roles": [
- {
- "display-name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "role-url": "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA",
- "role-category": "string"
], - "user": {
- "user-email": "",
- "user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "user-username": "",
- "api-keys-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA/api-keys",
- "user-memberships-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA/memberships",
- "given-name": "string",
- "surname": "string"
}, - "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Delete membership
Removes a user from an organization.
path Parameters
membership-id required | string |
List organization memberships
Returns this organization's memberships.
path Parameters
organization-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "memberships": [
- {
- "membership-url": "/v0/memberships/mp.ICAgbWVtYmVyc2hpcC1pZA",
- "membership-roles-url": "/v0/memberships/mp.ICAgbWVtYmVyc2hpcC1pZA/roles",
- "organization": {
- "own-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "organization-mode": "test-mode",
- "organization-memberships-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/memberships",
- "organization-invitations-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/invitations",
- "organization-onboarding-applications-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/onboarding/applications",
- "display-name": "Company Org",
- "organization-api-keys-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/api-keys",
- "organization-live-access-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/live-access",
- "organization-webhooks-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/webhooks",
- "organization-workflows-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/workflows",
- "organization-bank-accounts-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/bank/accounts",
- "available-roles": [
- {
- "display-name": "Company Org",
- "description": "string",
- "role-url": "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA",
- "role-category": "string"
], - "can-decide-on-verifications?": true,
- "organization-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA",
- "organization-individuals-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/individuals",
- "organization-corporations-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/corporations",
- "organization-legal-persons-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/legal-persons",
- "organization-events-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/events"
}, - "roles": [
- {
- "display-name": "Company Org",
- "description": "string",
- "role-url": "/v0/roles/re.ICAgICAgICAgcm9sZS1pZA",
- "role-category": "string"
], - "user": {
- "user-email": "",
- "user-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA",
- "user-username": "",
- "api-keys-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA/api-keys",
- "user-memberships-url": "/v0/users/ur.ICAgICAgICAgdXNlci1pZA/memberships",
- "given-name": "string",
- "surname": "string"
}, - "created-at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "links": {
- "prev": "string",
- "next": "string"
List user memberships
Returns this user's memberships.
path Parameters
user-id required | string |
query Parameters
sort | string Enum: "-created-at" "created-at" |
page[size] | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 200 ] |
page[after] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
page[before] | string <byte> A base64 encoded opaque string returned in paginated responses. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "memberships": [
- {
- "membership-url": "/v0/memberships/mp.ICAgbWVtYmVyc2hpcC1pZA",
- "membership-roles-url": "/v0/memberships/mp.ICAgbWVtYmVyc2hpcC1pZA/roles",
- "organization": {
- "own-legal-person-url": "/v0/legal-persons/lp.IGxlZ2FsLXBlcnNvbi1pZA",
- "organization-mode": "test-mode",
- "organization-memberships-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/memberships",
- "organization-invitations-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/invitations",
- "organization-onboarding-applications-url": "/v0/organizations/og.IG9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbi1pZA/onboarding/applications",
- "display-name": "Company Org",
- "organization-api-keys-url":