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Bank account lifecycle

Account statuses

Throughout it’s lifecycle a bank account moves through a limited set of stages, captured by its account-status field. The allowed stages are outlined below:

  • Opening. When you request to open a bank account, its status will be opening while our platform sets up the account. Accounts in this state cannot send or receive payments. Part of the set up includes assigning an account number and sort code, so you may see your account without these fields while it's in an opening state.
  • Open. Once an account is fully set up, it moves to open. Open accounts can make and receive payments and earn interest.
  • Closing. When you request to close a bank account, it will move into the closing state and any accrued interest will be paid out. The account will not move into closed state until its balance is zero. Learn how to close a bank account.
  • Closed. Once an account that is closing has a balance of zero, it will automatically move to closed.

An account’s progression through these stages is linear and unidirectional, meaning that it follows a straight, irreversible path from opening to closed.

Available actions

The account-status affects the actions that can be performed on the account as detailed in the table below:

Receive payments
Make payments
Transfer money
Earn interest

Account statuses are different from account restrictions, which also change the actions that can be performed on the account.