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Set up message signatures

Message signatures allow us to verify that API requests come from a valid source and ensure the integrity of each request.

This guide will show you how to:

  1. Create a key pair. Only users with the Team admin role can do this.
  2. Sign a message. Anyone sending API requests can do this.

Create a key pair


Only users with the Team admin role can add public keys.

Message signatures use asymmetric encryption, which requires a pair of keys:

  • A private key to generate signatures that are attached to each request.
  • A public key shared with Griffin and used to validate the signature of each request.

Create a public and private key

You can generate keys using the openssl command line tool, or a cryptographic library such as Bouncy Castle.

Generate a private and public key, using the ed25519 algorithm.

openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out private.pem -outpubkey public.pem

You can use any filename for the keys, but using the .pem extension is recommended.

Add the public key via the app

  1. Log in to using an account with the Team admin role.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Message signatures and select Add public key.
  3. Complete the public key form:
    • Title (optional): give your key a human readable name.
    • SHA: an exact copy of the contents of the public key file, as shown in the example below.
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Griffin will generate a unique keyid for each public key. Use this keyid in the signature base when generating message signatures.


You must use at least one key pair per organization. Do not use this key pair with any other service or platform. We recommend these security practices for managing your private keys.

View your public keys

You can view all public keys added to your organization on the Message signatures page in the app.

For each public key, you can view:

  • Title: optional name for the key
  • keyid : unique identifier generated by Griffin
  • SHA: the hash value
  • Added by: the user who added the key and the date it was added

Message Signatures Page on Griffin App

Sign a message

You can implement message signatures either with a programming language which has cryptographic libraries, or by calling out to openssl command line tooling.

Create a digest of the request body

The content-digest is the hash value of the request message body. The content-digest should be included in the signature base to ensure the body cannot be tampered with.

  1. Generate a SHA-512 digest of the request body.
  2. Add the content-digest header to the request.
  3. Include the content-digest in the signature base.
"content-digest": sha-512=:X48E9qOokqqrvdts8nOJRJN3OWDUoyWxBf7kbu9DBPE=:

Here are some suggested message content digest libraries.

Should I include a content-digest header for messages with no body?

For GET requests you can omit the HTTP content-digest header. However, you must still include the content-digest component in the signature base. This is different from the HTTP header requirement.

Think of it this way: A signature represents the entire request exactly as it was made. Even if a field is empty, its emptiness is part of what makes that request - so we need to sign that too. Just like signing a blank form, you're confirming "yes, this field was intentionally empty."

So your options are to either:

  • Omit the HTTP content-digest header entirely while still including the corresponding empty string for the content-digest component in your signature base, or

  • Include both the HTTP content-digest header and corresponding signature content-digest component using the hash of an empty string for both

Technical details

The relevant RFCs provide specific guidance:

RFC 9421 (HTTP Message Signatures) states:

Empty HTTP fields can also be signed when present in a message. The canonicalized value is the empty string

RFC 9530 (HTTP Digest Fields) specifies:

When a message has no representation data, it is still possible to assert that no representation data was sent by computing the digest on an empty string (see Section 6.3).

The openssl command-line is useful as well to check what would be the digest of a string. The digest of an empty string:

echo -n "" | openssl dgst -sha512 -binary | base64

;; returns z4PhNX7vuL3xVChQ1m2AB9Yg5AULVxXcg/SpIdNs6c5H0NE8XYXysP+DGNKHfuwvY7kxvUdBeoGlODJ6+SfaPg==

Generate a unique request ID (nonce)

The nonce is a unique value that provides extra security for the request. The nonce should be included in the signature base.

  1. Generate a nonce value using 128-bit UUID version 4 (random), variant 1.
  2. Include the nonce in the signature base.

Create a signature base

A signature base defines the components of the message to be included when generating the signature.

To create a signature base:

  1. Add an alg parameter to the signature base.

This can only be the ed25519 algorithm.

  1. Generate a signature created time stamp

    Use the current time, formatted as a Unix time stamp.

  1. Set the expires time stamp

The signature should have an expiration time no greater than 300 seconds (five minutes) after the signature created time stamp.

  1. Add a keyId parameter to the signature base

Use the keyId value associated with your public key.

  1. Assemble all components into the signature base.

Add the standard component for a HTTP request message, and add the signature parameters.

"@signature-params": ("@authority" "content-digest" "content-length" "content-type"
"date" "@method" "@path" "@query");

Components in the signature base are included in the signature-input header of the signed request message.

Generate the message signature and attach headers

You can now generate a message signature based on your signature base, either by using a programming language with cryptographic library or calling out to the openssl command.

Attach the signature to the request message using these headers:

  • The content-digest header verifies the body of the request using SHA-512.
  • The signature header attaches the signature value generated from the signature base to the request message using a signature label name.
  • The signature-input header should use the same signature label name, and lists components from the signature base.
"content-digest": sha-512=:X48E9qOokqqrvdts8nOJRJN3OWDUoyWxBf7kbu9DBPE=:

signature: unique-label=:Z1cxalMURtkA94LnchyyFASdEFH1+IY5joho7FhXjVPAhzyImT6NWqSV/vc+KBIPFM/JwJbGk/7k69VGIMcyAg==:

unique-label=("@authority" "content-digest" "content-length" "content-type"
"date" "@method" "@path" "@query");

A request message can include a multiple signatures. Each signature uses a unique signature label to match the relevant signature-input and signature header values.

Using multiple signatures is useful when rotating cryptographic keys.

Test your implementation

Use the /v0/security/message-signature/verify endpoint to test your signed messages. If unsuccessful, the endpoint will provide feedback to help you troubleshoot.

Once message signatures are correctly generated, they can be used with all other Griffin API endpoints.

A successful response looks like this:

Status Code: 200

Response Headers:
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 08:52:47 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 59
Server: Jetty(9.4.53.v20231009)

Response Body:
{"busy":true,"message":"Your call is very important to us"}

Signature Verification Result:
Label: sig1
Algorithm: <class 'http_message_signatures._algorithms.ED25519'>
Covered Components:
"@method": POST
"@path": /v0/security/message-signature/debug
"content-type": application/json
"content-length": 18
"date": Mon, 23 Sep 2024 08:52:47 GMT
"content-digest": sha-512=:WZDPaVn/7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==:
"@signature-params": ("@method" "@authority" "@path" "content-type" "content-length" "date" "content-digest");created=1727081567;keyid="acme-corp-2024"
created: 1727081567
keyid: test-key-ed25519

Signature verified successfully!

If an invalid keyid is used to sign the message, you'll get a 401 Unauthorized response.

Status Code: 401
Response Body:
{"errors":[{"title":"Unauthorized","status":"401","detail":"Unknown signing key","code":"unknown-signing-key-id"}]}

You'll also get a 401 if one of the components is missing, e.g the date as shown below.

Status Code: 401
Response Body:


Cryptographic libraries

While we don't endorse specific libraries, here are some status notes on available options:

  • http-message-signatures
    • v0.5.0 was verified compatible, used in our example implementation below
    • Recommended for testing compatibility of your own implementation
  • Unisys NSign
    • Version 1.1.0 reported working by customers
    • When using NSign, ensure your Content-Type header does not include charset parameters (e.g., use application/json instead of application/json; charset=utf-8)

Not tested

Always evaluate libraries thoroughly before integrating them into your project.

Message component definitions

alg is the the algorithm used to create the signature. This is always ed25519 as mandated by Griffin.

keyid is the unique id for your public key. It is generated by Griffin when you add a public key to your organization via the app.

content-digest is the SHA-512 hash of a message body.

content-length indicates the size of the message body in bytes.

content-type specifies the type of content sent to the API endpoint, e.g. application/json.

created shows the time stamp for when the signature was created.

date shows the date stamp of the request message.

expires is a time stamp which is a maximum of 300 seconds (five minutes) after the created time stamp.

nonce is a unique request id as an 128-bit UUID value, e.g. 6e5a16e1-c8c6-42da-b367-644d82360e8c.

@authority is the host header, e.g.

@method is POST, GET, etc.

@path is the API endpoint being called.

Message content digest libraries

The following library provides SHA-512 hash encoding for the request message body.

Example Python implementation

We provide an example Python implementation below to demonstrate HTTP message signatures. This example uses the third-party http-message-signatures library and shows a complete workflow including signature generation and verification.

To run this example, save this to

from http_message_signatures import HTTPMessageSigner, HTTPMessageVerifier, HTTPSignatureKeyResolver, algorithms
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ed25519
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
import requests
import base64
import hashlib
import time
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

# Test Ed25519 private key
# TODO Don't use this in production! Replace with your own private key

# Corresponding public key (You'd share this with the server)
# both values are taken from the ED25519 values form the RFC
# TODO replace with your generated key
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

# Key ID, taken from the RFC
# TODO take the value returned by Griffin from the UI
KEY_ID = "test-key-ed25519"

# TODO: Replace this with your actual API key
API_KEY = ""

url = ""

class MyHTTPSignatureKeyResolver(HTTPSignatureKeyResolver):
def __init__(self):
self.private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(PRIVATE_KEY_PEM.encode(), password=None)
self.public_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(PUBLIC_KEY_PEM.encode())

def resolve_public_key(self, key_id: str):
return self.public_key

def resolve_private_key(self, key_id: str):
return self.private_key

# generate a unique nonce for every request
nonce = str(uuid.uuid4())

body = '{"hello": "world"}'

created = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time())

headers = {
"Host": "",
"Date": time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime()),
"Content-Type": "application/json",
# the API KEY is still required, message signatures are in addition to that
"Authorization": f"GriffinAPIKey {API_KEY}"

request = requests.Request('POST', url, data=body, headers=headers)
request = request.prepare()

# Calculate and add Content-Digest
digest = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha512(request.body.encode()).digest()).decode()
request.headers["Content-Digest"] = f"sha-512=:{digest}:"

# Sign the request
signer = HTTPMessageSigner(signature_algorithm=algorithms.ED25519, key_resolver=MyHTTPSignatureKeyResolver())
signer.sign(request, key_id=KEY_ID, label="sig1", nonce=nonce, include_alg=False, created=created, covered_component_ids=(
"@method", "@authority", "@path", "content-type", "content-length", "date", "content-digest", "@query"

# Print the signed request details
print("Signed Headers:")
for header, value in request.headers.items():
print(f"{header}: {value}")

# Verify the signature (this would typically be done on the server side)
verifier = HTTPMessageVerifier(signature_algorithm=algorithms.ED25519, key_resolver=MyHTTPSignatureKeyResolver())
verify_results = verifier.verify(request)
print("\nSignature Verification Result:")
for result in verify_results:
print(f"Label: {result.label}")
print(f"Algorithm: {result.algorithm}")
print("Covered Components:")
for component, value in result.covered_components.items():
print(f" {component}: {value}")
for param, value in result.parameters.items():
print(f" {param}: {value}")
print("\nSignature verified successfully")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nSignature verification failed: {str(e)}")

# Send the request to the actual server
print("\nSending the request to the Griffin server")
response = requests.Session().send(request)

# Print the response
print(f"\nStatus Code: {response.status_code}")
print("\nResponse Headers:")
for header, value in response.headers.items():
print(f"{header}: {value}")

print("\nResponse Body:")

When run successfully, this example will:

  • Generate a signature for an example request
  • Verify the signature locally
  • Send the signed request to Griffin's message signature verification endpoint
  • Display the response, showing successful verification

The example includes placeholder values that you'll need to replace for production use:

  • Replace the example private/public key pair with your own Ed25519 keys
  • Update the KEY_ID with the value from your Griffin dashboard
  • Add your Griffin API key

The code above uses test keys from the HTTP Message Signatures RFC (RFC 9421) for demonstration purposes only. These keys are publicly known and should never be used in production. When implementing message signatures in your application:

  • Always use your own securely generated Ed25519 key pairs
  • Evaluate and verify any third-party libraries before use in production
  • Follow your organization's security practices and requirements

To execute the script, set up a Python virtual environment and install dependencies:

python -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install requests http-message-signatures

When executed, the script will show the complete request signing process, including:

  • The signed HTTP headers
  • Local signature verification details
  • The response from Griffin's verification endpoint
Signed Headers:
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 10:41:39 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: GriffinAPIKey <redacted>
Content-Length: 18
Content-Digest: sha-512=:WZDPaVn/7XgHaAy8pmojAkGWoRx2UFChF41A2svX+TaPm+AbwAgBWnrIiYllu7BNNyealdVLvRwEmTHWXvJwew==:
Signature-Input: sig1=("@method" "@authority" "@path" "content-type" "content-length" "date" "content-digest");created=1730716899;keyid="test-key-ed25519";nonce="01f66b12-72bf-4607-8aa9-c87fb32a153c"
Signature: sig1=:redacted=:

Signature Verification Result:
Label: sig1
Algorithm: <class 'http_message_signatures._algorithms.ED25519'>
Covered Components:
"@method": POST
"@path": /v0/security/message-signature/verify
"content-type": application/json
"content-length": 18
"date": Mon, 04 Nov 2024 10:41:39 GMT
"content-digest": sha-512=:WZDPaVn/7XgHaAy8pmojAkGWoRx2UFChF41A2svX+TaPm+AbwAgBWnrIiYllu7BNNyealdVLvRwEmTHWXvJwew==:
"@signature-params": ("@method" "@authority" "@path" "content-type" "content-length" "date" "content-digest");created=1730716899;keyid="test-key-ed25519";nonce="01f66b12-72bf-4607-8aa9-c87fb32a153c"
created: 1730716899
keyid: test-key-ed25519
nonce: 01f66b12-72bf-4607-8aa9-c87fb32a153c

Signature verified successfully

Sending the request to the Griffin server

Status Code: 200

Response Headers:
Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 10:41:39 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 59
Server: Jetty(9.4.56.v20240826)

Response Body:
{"busy":true,"message":"Your call is very important to us"}

This example is intended as a reference implementation to help you understand the HTTP message signatures workflow. Your production implementation may differ based on your specific requirements and technology stack.